12.00 Welcome by Maija, Jenia and moderator Anta Aizupe
12.10 Kitija Balcare: Introducion to Latvian theatre
12.20 Dailes teātris
12.30 Liepājas teātris
12.40 Jaunaiss Rīgas teātris
12.50 Break 10 min
13.00 Daugavpils teātris
13.10 Mihaila Čehova Rīgas Krievu teātris
13.20 Kitija Balcare: Independent theatre scene and festivals
13.30 Zīmējumu teātris
13.40 Cēsu Mazais teātris
13.50 Valmieras Vasaras teātra festivāls
14.00 Lunch break 40 min
14.50 Homo Novus festival
15.00 Dirty Deal Teatro
15.10 Ģertrūdes ielas teātris
15.20 KATLZ
15.30 Kvadrifrons
15.40 Initum
15.50 Latvijas Nacionālais teātris
16.00 Finish
Latvian Theatre presentation programme on 3rd November, Latvian Theatre Showcase SKATE
A unique opportunity to learn about ongoing events and changes in the Latvian performing arts, to meet people behind theatres and festivals, to get a comprehensive and multi-faceted view on Latvian theatre industry and to engage in discussions on potential international projects and cooperation.
Event will take place at galerija ISTABA, Kr.Barona 16a, Noveber 3, from 12 to 16.