Latvian playwrights and dramaturges: current vibes

Artūrs Dīcis


Born in 1985. At the Latvian Academy of Culture mastered the profession of an actor. I've learned drama in practice, working as an actor. Every action is played out in my head, every dialogue is pronounced, I subjectively guarantee that the whole mechanism works and the already existing productions of my works, confirm that my subjective yardstick works not only in my head. Mostly I write tragicomic drama about this time and today’s people. About people from my generation – here and now. Once a man lived, everything was perfect for him. A good job, a beautiful wife, perfect children, a new house, social networks flooded with his family’s smiles, but the man did not feel happy, he wanted to do something bigger, he wanted to feel the meaning of his existence, so he began to punch a hole in the wall. In stories like this, I'm searching for today's tragic hero, but this quest irretrievably moves in the direction of tragicomedy.

Excerpt from the play
by Artūrs Dīcis


This project has been developed by The Latvian Theatre Workers’ Union, as a part of the Baltic Drama Forum 2023. We would like to remind you that all rights are reserved, including the rights of reproduction of the plays in whole or in part in any form. If you are interested, please contact individual authors or The Latvian Theatre Workers’ Union (