Latvian playwrights and dramaturges: current vibes

Ance Muižniece


Until now my creative career, both as an actress and as a playwright, has largely developed in the field of children's and youth theatre, with a greater emphasis on young people. Most of all, I enjoy the performances that "hit" both the mind and the heart with their theme and actuality. If I can get intellectual irritation in the show, the opportunity to be surprised by the paradoxes, witty artistic solutions and feel a strong bound with what is happening, then I come out of the theatre as if after a proper workout for soul – ventilated, laughed, moved (or even weeping), full of thoughts, drained, but at the same time, emotionally and mentally fed. My method of writing is quite simple – I try to write plays that I would like to see today and which would have left an indelible impression on me if I had seen them when I was still a child or a young adult.

Excerpt from the play
by Ance Muižniece


This project has been developed by The Latvian Theatre Workers’ Union, as a part of the Baltic Drama Forum 2023. We would like to remind you that all rights are reserved, including the rights of reproduction of the plays in whole or in part in any form. If you are interested, please contact individual authors or The Latvian Theatre Workers’ Union (